NG911 Prep and GIS Data Analysis Services
WTH is well acquainted with the 911 industry. A large number of our customers are 911 PSAPs and several of our employees were formerly 911 Directors and Dispatchers. We've already helped dozens of agencies prepare their GIS data for NG911. We understand the requirements of the NENA NG911 data standards and keep ourselves informed of the State standards that often mimic them. We're capable of efficiently and affordably taking your current 911 GIS data and making it compliant with these NG911 standards. We're also very familiar with the intricacies of the 911 data flows and the importance of having consistency across the multiple databases that make up the 911 system. That's why we're especially suited to provide NG911 related consulting, GIS data analysis, GIS data cleanup and ongoing GIS data maintenance services to our 911 customers.
Some of our offerings include:
- NG911 data standard compliance
- GIS data maintenance and updating
- Sharing of NG911 GIS data with States, CAD vendors and other PSAPs
- Field verification of addresses
- ALI database vs. address layer comparison and cleanup
- MSAG vs. street address range layer comparison and cleanup
- CAD Geofile creation and map coordination