County 911

WTH offers a wide variety of software products, consulting services and
data maintenance for use by County 911 Agencies.

Using GIS In Your Job

Using GIS in your Job

WTH has over 20 years of experience in providing GIS services for 911 PSAPs.  Some of our support staff are former 911 Directors and Dispatchers. Our 911 services have continued to evolve, and we are our now assisting PSAPs to transition to NG911 and the next era of 911 dispatch.

Some benefits of using GIS in your Work:

  • Better performance in responding to emergency events
  • Working more efficiently
  • Having the ability to meet new NG911 mapping requirements
  • The ability to use your knowledge and experience to make your community safer

WTH 911 Dispatch Maps use locally available Aerial Photography and the best local GIS data – WTH builds maps for 911 PSAPs that include the most accurate and current available County and State aerial photography and GIS layers rather than rely on generic national maps

Access experienced 911 GIS technical support – WTH has a service support staff that averages over 18 years of GIS technical experience.  We know that 911 mapping services operate 24/7 under stressful conditions.  WTH is part of your team to maintain your GIS system at all times and under the worst of conditions.

Provide support to the 911 Coordinator – GIS is only a part of the job of a 911 Coordinator.  NG911 brings additional responsibilities for meeting new GIS data standards, and ongoing data quality and data sharing responsibilities.  WTH provides ongoing training of Dispatchers to be able to use their 911 maps, and trains Coordinators to add addresses and edit GIS layers, but we also have the ability to take on the NG911 and other GIS responsibilities that the Coordinator does not have the time for or feels the need for third party support.

GIS Products and Services

GIS Products and Services

911 Dispatch Mapping – WTH provides Think GIS User licenses for mapping at 911 dispatch terminals and Think GIS Editor licenses for adding new addresses and editing local map layers.

911 Interfaces – WTH has developed interfaces to integrate WTH’s Think GIS mapping with data from Computer Aided Dispatch software and other third party data sources.  These interfaces include: ALI Forwarder Service for automatic lookup and map display of 911 calls, RapidSOS interface and map display for PSAPs that register with RapidSOS, and interfaces for the display of WTH Think AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) mapping, and interfaces with third party Computer Aided Dispatch Software.

NG911 Services – With the transition to Next Generation 911, GIS is placed at the center of 911 dispatch.  New State and Federal GIS data standards are being adopted along with higher requirements for ongoing GIS data quality and maintenance.  WTH is currently working with PSAPs in several States on NG911 projects.  WTH NG911 services include: GIS layer data conversion to State NG911 standards, GIS data quality checks, GIS data updating, NG911 data sharing services, ALI database vs. address layer cleanup, MSAG vs. street address range layer cleanup, and CAD Geofile creation and map coordination.

Event Manager – Event Manager is a WTH software product for the mapping of emergency events in real time, and the communication of these dynamic maps with 911 PSAPs, first responders, elected officials, and the option of displaying this information on a public WebGIS Site.

GIS Mapping Services – WTH 911 mapping services include cell tower mapping, and ESN boundary maintenance.

WTH Technology, Inc.
3665 Washington Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46205

Where Technology Happens®

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