County Clerk
Using GIS In Your Job
WTH provides a comprehensive program of GIS services for County Clerks.
Some benefits of using GIS in your Work:
- Save money and making more informed decisions.
- Work more efficiently
- Have the ability to integrate third party software that links scanned Deeds and Records with geographically located parcels.
- Have the ability to preserve, share, and pass on your knowledge to others
- Be able to better communicate redistricting and poll location information with your staff, elected officials and the general public.
Build maps with available State and County aerial photos and GIS layers.
WTH builds maps that include the most accurate and current available County and State aerial photography and GIS layers rather than rely on generic national maps.
GIS Products and Services
WTH has developed a full line of GIS products that can be used by a County Clerk and staff in the office on desktops and laptops, and with a County WebGIS site can display voting precinct and polling places on any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an Internet connection.
Same of the WTH GIS products that are used by a County Clerk office includes the following:
Think GIS Editor – Think GIS Editor allows you to create GIS layers showing voting precincts and polling place locations. Think GIS can also be used to develop new redistricting maps.
Think GIS User – Think GIS User is for viewing GIS layers on a desktop or laptop. This can be used for displaying information on a computer in your office with access to the general public to look up voting information.
County WebGIS Site – With a County WebGIS site voting precincts and polling place locations can be displayed on a county map that can be viewed by anyone with an Internet connection. A County WebGIS map can be linked to third party databases that can display County Deed and Record information associated with a particular land parcel.